Sunday 7 December 2008

Cell Group Questions 07/12/08

  1. How can we encourage those that have received Christian baptism to be more confident that they are God's beloved and forgiven children, gifted by His Spirit? Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:26 - 4:7
  2. In Acts 4:31, we read of people who had already been filled with the spirit (Acts 2:4) being filled again. Can we think of more than one occasion in our own lives when we have experienced the presence and power of God in a special way? Should we expect more such occasions?
  3. In Romans 8:9-11 having the Spirit and having Jesus are inseparable. Do you find thinking of the Spirit in terms of presence (Psalm 139:7) and power (Luke 1:35) helpful? Are there other ways you find thinking of the Spirit helpful - eg. spectacles, music, elastic band. 

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