Sunday 7 December 2008

Cell Group Questions 07/12/08

  1. How can we encourage those that have received Christian baptism to be more confident that they are God's beloved and forgiven children, gifted by His Spirit? Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:26 - 4:7
  2. In Acts 4:31, we read of people who had already been filled with the spirit (Acts 2:4) being filled again. Can we think of more than one occasion in our own lives when we have experienced the presence and power of God in a special way? Should we expect more such occasions?
  3. In Romans 8:9-11 having the Spirit and having Jesus are inseparable. Do you find thinking of the Spirit in terms of presence (Psalm 139:7) and power (Luke 1:35) helpful? Are there other ways you find thinking of the Spirit helpful - eg. spectacles, music, elastic band. 

Sunday 9 November 2008

Cell Group Questions 09/11/08

  • What do you think causes humankind to be so violent? Is there any way to overcome violence?
  • "True peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice". Would you agree?
  • The English composer, Sir Arthur Bliss, (who was appointed Masters of the Queens music) served in the First World War. Reflecting on his experience led him to claim that 'war' is the most obscene word in the English language. Would you share his view?

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Are you being called?

An opportunity to explore vocation and what it means to be called to ordination. Bishop James will be speaking at each event, which will also include worship, information from Vocations Advisors and workshops introducing different types of ordained ministry and a workshop especially for young people considering ordination in their future. A light meal will be provided.

2:30 pm Sunday 16th November at Southport St Simon and St Jude with All Souls for the deaneries of Sefton, Ormskirk, North Meols

Monday 13 October 2008

Churches Together in Birkdale

Coffee Morning

Saturday 18th October

Lord Street West United Church

10am - 12 noon

£1.00 (incl Coffee & Biscuits)

Sunday 12 October 2008

Questions for Individuals and Cell Groups

Read through the Old and New Testament passages of scripture appointed for today. Meditate on them and discuss.
  • Exodus Chapter 32, verses 1 - 14
  • Psalm 106
  • Matthew Chapter 22, verses 1 - 14
Looking at the passage from Matthew's gospel - What does saying "Yes" to God mean to you?

Friday 26 September 2008

Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving - Sunday 28th September

The service will be a cafe style service and will start at 10:45am.

We would be grateful for Harvest Gifts of non-perishable items, which will be donated to our local homeless charities.

Also donations of money will be forwarded to Samaritans Purse.